Tuesday, Oct. 25, 2022
7:00 pm
Zoom Video Conference
Join us at:
Meeting ID: 823 3356 0743
Passcode: bikes
1. Call to Order
2. Acknowledgement: of being on the unceded territory of the Wet’suwet’en
3. Appointing of Chairman: Greg Brown
4. Determination of Quorum (5)
5. Approval of Agenda – Items may be added from the floor
6. Reading and approval of AGM 2021 minutes (see below)
7. Directors’ Reports:
- President’s Report: Allan Cormier
- Financial Report: Janet Harris / John Bakker
- Fundraising Report: Janet Harris
8. Election of Directors:
- The Board consists of 9 directors.
- 8 Incumbent Nominees: Dan Boissevain, Mary Brise, Allan Cormier, Janet Harris, Sue Harrison, Teresa Monkman, Jeremy Shreiber, Alison Watson
- Nominations: Any nominations from the floor?
9. Any Other Business
10. Adjournment
Wed., Oct. 27, 2021
Zoom Videoconference
- Call to Order: 7:05 pm
- Acknowledgement: Greg Brown acknowledged that we are on the unceded territory of the Wet’suwet’en and specifically, the Gidimt’en clan’s territory.
- Appointing Chairperson: Tony Harris moved, Jeremy seconded that we appoint Greg Brown chairperson. Passed.
- Quorum confirmed: thirteen attendees, which included seven board members
- Approval of Agenda Tony Harris moved, Janet seconded that the agenda be approved. Passed
- Approval of 2020 Minutes Allan Cormier moved, Jeremy Shriber seconded that the 2020 AGM minutes be approved. Passed.
- Director’s Reports:
President’s report: Tony Harris reported that as he steps down from the position of president, he has two over-riding emotions – gratitude and pride. He expressed gratitude for fellow board members, the various stakeholders’ and their support and advice, the landowners and many people and organizations that have helped to bring the project forward. He was grateful to all the financial supporters and, in particular, Ellen Hanson and Meg Roberts as well as Smithers Rotary and the Federal-Provincial ICIP grant that the Regional District secured. For a complete list of supporters, see the website www.cycle16.ca. Tony also felt pride in what has been achieved in six years with the efforts of the Board and the support of the stakeholders and the community. Tony stated that this is a fabulous project that has been a privilege for him to be part of in making it happen.
Financial Report: Janet Harris presented the financial statement for the year ending
Dec. 31, 2020. Items of note included a significant increase in grants received over the previous year while donations were lower than the previous year. The largest expense was for engineering costs. Having hired WSP’s engineer Allan Kindrat has been very worthwhile in moving the project forward at a quickened pace. Our overall equity has increased by about thirty percent over the previous year. (See Appendix B for details).
Fundraising Report – Janet Harris reported that our biggest news in funding in this past year was the RDBN getting the $1.47 million Federal Provincial ICIP funding for Phase 1 construction of the Trail. Currently, Cycle 16 is hoping to be successful in their expression of interest for BVCF’s $200,000 grant. A Fundraising Campaign for Phase 2 & 3 is being planned and outlines a coordinated effort to begin approaching businesses for funds while continuing to apply for grants and have community fundraising events. $2.3 million has already been raised. Altogether, $7 million needs to be raised. An informational brochure is being updated and will be distributed to help inform and promote funding for the trail.
- Election of Directors: All current members of the Board were willing to stand in for re-election. Teresa Monkman was an additional nominee for Director at Large – adding one more to the roster. All nominees were elected by acclamation. Tony moved, Jeremy seconded to accept the candidates by acclimation. Passed.
Greg thanked everyone for making the commitment to the Board for the coming year.
Jeremy thanked Greg for chairing the meeting.
- Adjournment: Mary moved, Janet seconded that we adjourn. Passed
Meeting adjourned at 7:27 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Brise, Cycle 16 Secretary
Appendix A – October 21, 2020 AGM
President’s Report – Tony Harris
On the eve of starting construction of Phase 1 and my stepping down from the duties as President of the Cycle 16 Trail Society I have two overriding emotions, one of gratitude and the other of pride!.
I have gratitude for the opportunity to work with an extremely strong and motivated Board. Together we have overcome many hurdles, strategized and agonized about decisions and moves that determined the path forward and built some lasting and rich relationships in the process.
I am also grateful for the advice and support we have received along the way, advice from Carl Lutz and his ever changing team at MoTI, from Jason Llewellyn and Mark Fisher at the Regional District, the emotional support from the Mayors of both the Town of Smithers and the Village of Telkwa and in particular from the Office of the Wet’suwet’en and the Gidimt’en Clan.
I am grateful for the generous support to grant us a ROW through their properties, Delee Yuen & family and Wim & Inge Tersago. Without these ROW’s the project would have been dead before it started. And for financial support, this list is too long to list here but in particular, The Rotary Club of Smithers, Hy-Tech Drilling, Seabridge Gold, MoTI and the Regional District who gave seed money when this was just a germ of an idea. In particular, I want to express my gratitude to Ellen Hansen of Kassandra Trust for her extraordinary generosity, without her support we’d still be holding bake sales to get this project started. And there is, of course, the federal Provincial ICIP Grant that gave us the construction funding, the BC Alliance for Healthy Living that paid for much of the engineering studies, the BV Credit Union, CN Rail, the Bulkley Valley Community Foundation etc. Then of course there is Meg Roberts of Rustica Bakery, what more can I say about her fundraising efforts!
The full list of supporters can be seen on our website at www.cycle16.ca.
The pride comes from the goals that the board of Cycle 16 has achieved. Firstly, I have to admit that the climate is ripe for a project of this type. With the realities of Climate Change coming to the fore, the need to get people out of their vehicles and into an active transportation frame of mind has never been more pressing. That being said we have moved this project from a germ of an idea to being on the cusp of construction in just over 6 years, we have raised huge sums of money, built relationships, turned doubters into believers using dogged determination and constant pressure. Our goal has always been clear – a paved, non motorized path connecting our two communities and we have been rigorous to ensure all our goals have been achievable and measurable.
I take great pride that our efforts along with all the support we have received will end up with a completed path connecting Telkwa & Smithers allowing a safe transportation option for non motorized users for many years to come.
I take pride that we have in excess of 1100 members who continue to give their support through assistance at fundraising events, purchasing merchandise and spreading the word about our efforts.
Thanks to Allan Cormier for stepping up, you are inheriting a fabulous project that is well on it’s way with a strong team backing you up and I greatly look forward to witnessing where your leadership takes it.
So as I step back out of the drivers seat, I look forward to moving to the bench seat at the back of the bus, laying down to only to open a quizzical eye every now and then and hopefully making an occasionally helpful comment and helping out wherever I am able.
This is a fabulous project and it is a privilege to be playing a part making it happen.
With gratitude & respect,
Tony Harris,
Cycle 16 President